Q Cells

Q CELLS (NASDAQ: HQCL) is a part of Hanwha Group, a Global Fortune 500 Company established in 1952 with over 55 Billion USD in total revenue and over 159 Billion USD in total assets. Hanwha Group has over 67 years’ history of financial stability and with Hanwha Group’s backing; Q CELLS is more than able to stand 25-year warranty. All considered, Q CELLS is arguably the most secure solar company.

Q CELLS has supported the Australian community since 2009, longer than any other manufacturer currently on the market. With products developed specifically for Australian climates, unparalleled local support, and comprehensive testing facilities both in laboratories and in the field.

Q CELLS Q.PEAK-G4.1 300-320W

The new high-performance module Q.PEAK-G4.1 is the ideal solution for residential buildings thanks to its innovative cell technology Q.ANTUM. The world-record cell design was developed to achieve the best performance under real conditions – even with low radiation intensity and on clear, hot summer days.


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