Longi Solar

LONGi Solar is a world leading manufacturer of high-efficiency mono-crystalline solar cells and modules. The Company, wholly owned by the LONGi Group (SH601012), has focused on p-mono for 19 years and is today the largest supplier of mono-crystalline products in the world. The Company has its headquarters in Xi’ an, China and branches in Japan, Germany, America, India, Malaysia, Australia, With strong focus on R&D, production and sales & marketing of mono-crystalline silicon products, LONGi Solar is committed to providing better LCOE solutions and promoting worldwide adoption of mono-crystalline technology.


LONGI Solar’s singular focus on PERC technology significantly reduces the LCOE, thereby advancing grid parity and raising the technological bar in PV. PERC has emerged as a focus technology point. PERC has been proven to increase power generation performance in low-light conditions and has excellent resistance to hot spots.


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